For many of us, curfew brings back memories of negotiation perhaps begging for more time or racing home when we knew we would be late. Or maybe you always made curfew, showing responsibility and earning increased independence. At the beginning, parents also get involved in the issue of curfew. According to the laws, teenagers are limited in their abilities and parents are still responsible for their teenage offspring. Therefore, parents should set a curfew and not let teenagers be totally free and wander outside all night. This is a parent’s duty.There is still an advantage for the parents who set a curfew in that they can control the activities their children do at night. Parents do not need to worry about the places teenagers go or what they do and they can protect teenagers’ safety. This shows how much more advantageous is for parents to set a curfew.

 The first idea is that as parents it’s their responsibility to keep their children safe, and monitor their daily activities, so they need to know what time their teenager is coming home. In the first place every teenager needs to get at least nine hours of sleep every night, so their brain can actually get some rest after a stressful day of work, getting enough sleep will give your brain a chance to process the important and unimportant information that has accumulated over the last couple of hours. Of equal importance, if a teen is not able to get the hours of sleep required, he or she may not be able to concentrate in class, because they may not be able to even open their eyes, therefore causing a downfall in this teen’s grades.

The second idea is that imposing curfews would help keep teenagers out of trouble legally. In support of this teenagers are curious to try and explore new things, and they may not always be good things, they may not know whether it is the right thing to do or not, imposing a curfew would in a way help them not to make mistakes that may affect their future, or something that they will regret for the rest of their lives. Consequently, most teens are influenced into smoking, drinking, and taking drugs because of peer pressure, these few things can get you into a lot of trouble with the law since you are doing these things that are prohibited to patrons that are underage.

 Finally, the most important argument for setting a curfew for teenagers is to keep them away safe from dangers. If teenagers have a curfew, they may not get in contact with drugs and become addicted to them. Moreover, a curfew can prevent teenagers from joining a gang and committing crimes. Furthermore, as it is really dark at night, the children can’t notice whether there is a car or not, so it is easy to have a car accident. Teenagers can’t notice that someone is planning to rob them and they may get seriously victimized.
To conclude, I strongly agree that it is necessary to have a curfew imposed on teenagers. As I mentioned above, this issue affect not only the teenagers but also their parents. Besides, teenagers can enjoy a normal routine and they will not get up late for school. Also, because of teenagers do not have a matured thinking; parents have to restrain their night activities in order to prevent accidents from happening. Last but not least, I think the most important reason why teenagers must have a curfew is to boost their safety and let them grow up healthily and without bad records. Surely, curfews prevent teenagers from being totally free, and there is nothing more valuable than the teenagers’ safety.

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